Friday, October 29, 2010


It's not usually undergrad students presenting at GSA, so it's really exciting to have completed a project and to have this chance to present.

This is an image I exported of our poster, just to give you a preview of what we've generated for our presentation. I've had my battles with Adobe Illustrator, and after reconciling our differences, we're now on speaking terms again.

Tomorrow morning, it's Denver or bust.

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's Been Too Long

I haven't updated this blog in far too long.
This past semester, I completed the Field Camp course here at BYU-Idaho. It was the best course I've had so far. For the final 3 weeks of field work, we were out mapping Paleozoic carbonate units in the Beaverhead Range of Idaho. It was my first attempt at a real geologic map. The geologic maps that have been published of the area are pretty inaccurate. Our field camp group allows each student to map an area that overlaps with students on either side so they can work together to create a suitable map to fit the field data they collect over the three-week period. Here is the completed presentation poster of my map:
Click on the image to see it in full size.